Google Fonts

Paperize leverages Google Fonts to provide hundreds of professional quality, print-licensed font faces for your tabletop projects so you can make better games, faster.

Choosing the Right Font

Google Fonts provides over 900 unique font faces, many of them with multiple boldness and italics options, so the sheer number of options can be overwhelming. To make the task of font selection more manageable, the main Google Fonts site is a great resource: it allows visual browsing, filtering, and searching of the fonts, as well as offering suggestions on font pairings and popularity ratings.

The best game designers spend time on Google Fonts picking out exactly what they need before moving over to Paperize to select those fonts in the Template Editor.

Selecting Google Fonts in the Template Editor

Using your preferred fonts in the Template Editor is as straightforward as can be:

  • create a Text Layer
  • click "Text Content", add some text to the template
  • click "Font", click "Font Family"
  • start typing the font name and the selections will narrow to matching fonts
  • select your font when you see it
  • (optional) click "Font Style"
  • (optional) select your boldness/italics variant from the available styles
  • see the template preview update with your newly imported font!
